My lotus stash. I bought up a bunch when I heard it was going to be discontinued last year. Luckily they decided to keep printing it! I should buy up some more dots and wallflower!
I think I've written about it before. Maybe a lot, why I love Amy Butler. She's got some sort of magic, that's for sure! That light blue Lotus wallflower print brought me back into the sewing world about 3 years ago. And I'm pretty sure I've swooned over every new product she's come out with curso python para análisis de datos mx EBAC. That's sort of the reason behind this Amy Butler Sew & Tell challenge and giveaway!
There are many things to celebrate right now:
- my 2nd year of blogging here about my sewing and crafting adventures
- the 1st anniversary of Sew & Tell
- almost 500 of you lovely people are following me (you like me, you really like me!)(and I like you too!)

I thought it would be great fun to have some Amy Butler Fabrics to giveaway with these patterns so I contacted the lovely Nadine from The Material Girls Quilts and she donating 3 yards of fabric to giveaway!

And Cynthia from Fabricworm is donating a $25 gift certificate to her shop!

Now onto the challenge. I want you to get out that Amy Butler fabric you are hoarding because you don't want to cut into it, or are afraid it might get discontinued and make something beautiful with it!! Make something from one of her patterns you've been meaning to make all these years.
On September 24th we'll have an all-Amy-all-the-time-Sew & Tell! As long as your project has some Amy Butler fabric in it or you have used one of her patterns (some free on her site) and it has been completed between now and the 24th - you will be able to link up that day!
Edited to add:
1. The project doesn't have to be ALL AB fabrics and patterns. It just has to have one element of Amy Butler in it - a pattern and /or fabric.
2. You can post about it before the 24th but you won't be able to link up until then. If you do post soon, please link back to this post until we get the other one up.
3. You can link to a Flickr picture if you don't have a blog. I'm totally cool with that. :)
I will have these prizes plus a few more to giveaway that day. You will earn extra entries with your project link ups!
I'm so excited to see what everyone is doing! I have a goal to show an Amy Butler inspired project every Friday until then - Crib dust ruffle, new bag, pillowcases, accent pillow... I'd better get going!
Grab the sew & tell challenge button over there on my sidebar and proudly display your participation in this fun event!
What are you planning on making?
32 crafty mcCrafters commented:
oh my goodness...i wish i had more AB fabric for this sew and tell! no matter what it is going to be fun to see everyones projects.
Fun! I'm in. I have some love I had planned to sew patchwork style (your quilt last week reminded me that they do look great together!) or the blue wallflower into a dress for the wee one. I think. ;
What a great theme! Love it! I have been doing exactly what you said, hoarding that beautiful fabric afraid of cutting into it for fear that I would make something not worthy of its glory! But with a challenge like this, its time to cut it up. Thanks again and look forward to the 24th.
Fun idea! I have both Amy Butler fabric I have been hoarding and patterns I haven't used yet.
Oh dear... that's really something for me... I've got about 5 yards of wallpaper still waiting to be cut:)
Could I use some patterns from InStitches?
Just to clarify - your project just has to have an element of Amy Butler in it. Some of her fabric OR a pattern. It doesn't have to be both. But it can be!
I have 4 yards of Amy Butler flannel fabric I've been drooling over....I think it's time to make myself something for a change....maybe a robe? Very excited!
I just bought the last of the bolt of the orange dots on Monday. And I am going to make it into a little giraffe. Gaaa, it's going to be so cute! And I think the Birdie Sling is my favorite tote bag ever. Love it!
Woohoo, so much fun! Off to decide what to make . . . :-)
I'm so jealous that you have Wallflowers in Apricot. I SO wish they'd reprinted that one!
This is exciting! I've been wanting to make a table runner with the Love collection. I guess now is the time to do it!
such a pretty stack of fabric...
I have just a small amount of a couple AB fabrics... will have to think about the challenge :)
I will personally mail you my birdie sling pattern to try if you enter me in this giveaway even though there is no way under this great sky that I will have a chance to sew something by then. Pretty please? I love you . . . Did that work?
I am dying to make her Sexy Hexie quilt, but I don't think I have any of her fabric and I probably won't get time...but here's hoping!
I would love to participate! :o) May I just make sure I understand the guide lines though ... I can mix Amy Butler fabric with other fabrics? It doesn't have to be all Amy Butler? :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia
I bought her book Little Stitches for Little Ones a while ago and I have been meaning to crack it open and get to work on something for some friends of mine. This is the perfect excuse to dust it off and get busy!
I'd like to make that birdie sling bag! It is so cute & since I have no Amy Butler fabric (shudder) I guess I can go all out & get them both!!!!
I just love Amy Butler! What a great challenge! I think I have been collecting her fabrics and patterns for years. Now,what should I make?
I have some early Amy Butler Fabric in my stash and I will make a quilt using those fabrics! Where do we post our pictures when have completed our projects? Or should we email them to you?
okay, okay, you have inspired me!
Is this going to be open to AB fans down here in New Zealand? We are a growing team! Let me know and I'll spread the word for you! We do a blogging 'show and tell' on Thursdays and a couple hundred of us play.
I am excited!!! Hope I can figure all this out. There is a great shop here in Jacksonville, FL that carries lots of AB fabric. I was there the other day and the owner said that the new line won't be out until Dec., something about not being happy with it and it is going to be redone. Yes and I did walk out with more AB fabric!
How fun!! I have some AB fabrics! Oh, what will I do with them...better get busy!
those fabrics are gorgeous! now just wish i knew how to sew!
those fabrics are gorgeous! now just wish i knew how to sew!
I'm so excited for this!
Oh my word! I SEW want to do this! We're moving this week, so I hope to get my sewing gear all organized to participate. I've had a friend's daughter request a Birdie Sling like mine, so perhaps I'll get it done for this event. Thanks for making it so fun! I'm really looking forward to joining you all again, now that our overseas move is complete, I have my sewing machine, and we'll be in our house in a few days.
I have my project all picked out and ready to go! Can't wait!
Wow...what a fun project this will be! Sadly, I don't have any Amy Butler fabric...but I'm definitely going to find a way to participate anyways. :) Can't wait to see everyone's amazing projects! :)
Woohoo! I just became #500/follower! Can't wait to see the show... and I have to go run over to those shops and see their Amy Butler inventory:) Fun idea... I wish I had something finished to add into your Show & Tell!
I have most of her patterns and her books, not sure wich project I will pick but this will be so much fun!!
I finished my Amy Butler project today. I'm going to link to Friday's Sew & Tell. It's a bag for my quilting supplies, for going to the weekend sews of the LAMQG.
OK, I have my project finished and picture taken, but don't have a clue how to go from here!?!? I am going to have to call Heidi and have her walk me throught it. Bummer. Quiltfest starts tomorrow, so excited!
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