Nedra sent us fabric and the pattern for Alison's Cluck Cluck Sew Spin Cycle block. I love the color combo and this pattern went together easily.

I love the bright floral on this one.

And fussy cutting the cheetah was fun here. I need more Echino in my life.

Amy S. sent some lovely prints and color choices! I think you all know about my obsession with aqua/turquoise. She asked for 12.5" or 6.5" log cabins.
I started with this 12.5" block. Love that aqua and red Flea Market Fancy.

Here's a photo for scale.

I really love being in a bee and getting to use fabrics not in my stash and do blocks I might not otherwise do. I've been getting a lot of my string blocks back too. I need to get a photo of them together!
5 crafty mcCrafters commented:
really like the Echino block too
Thanks so much for making my block. I still have one more that needs to arrive, and then I can put the quilt together. It's fun to be a Bees Knees with you!
Really awesome blocks! What a fun bee!
Love all the colours in these, and the cheetah one is fun!
The colors you have chose is really awesome.
Kids Games
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