Hi everyone! Sara from Sew Sweetness here with you today! Thanks to everyone who entered my bag giveaway here this past week, it was great to read about all your WIP's, and very nice to look at all those sweet comments! :-)
So, having recently moved, I haven't produced a whole lot of projects lately. Life gets in the way of sewing sometimes. ;-) Also, I have a few projects that I can't reveal yet (boo!!), so while it looks like I'm not up to much, believe me, the sewing machine has been a-whirrin' away every night. ;-)

Right now, I'm working on the Taffy Blouse, pictured above, from the new Colette Sewing Handbook by Sarai Mitnick. Seriously, I love her clothing patterns; I have just about all of them ::blush:: I doodle her name in my diary at night (just kidding). So, I decided to make the Taffy Blouse from the book first, because I thought I would like to wear it for Thanksgiving. I bought this sheer purple polka dot fabric at Joann's today (pictured below). If you know me, then you'll know that I cannot pass on a polka dot for any reason. In the photograph from the book above, you can see the model with a black-and-white striped bias tape on the sleeves and neckline; I wanted to do something cool like that, but I didn't really have anything on hand...is the solid purple too boring for the bias tape??
Sewing with sheer fabric is definitely an experience...it took me an hour just to cut out 4 pieces (front, back, and two sleeves). As a sewer, I might be getting spoiled by the quilting side in me. ;-) I'm hoping to finish the top tonight, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Soo...I did finish something up this week to share. I finished writing a sewing tutorial for this bag over the weekend, and here it is in all its pink glory:

The tutorial will also be accompanied by a step-by-step web video on how to make the bag. Unfortunately, the video is not ready yet (I'm shy), but as soon as I get an acting coach and finish it, you'll be the first to know. :-)

I'm also working on some blocks for the '12 Days of Christmas' Sampler Quilt Along that just started this week...like my Santa?
And now, without further ado, show me whatcha got...what did you finish this week?!
Linky Rules. Please read carefully. The delete monster will be eating non-compliant links.
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell. If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post. (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button (HTML on my sidebar).
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!
8 crafty mcCrafters commented:
Oh my goodness, I am so in love with that bag!!! It's pink, which I'm a fan of.... but it's Japanese Alice fabric... swoon.
It would make fun christmas gifts
The bag is adorable, and I love the Santa block, too! So cute! :o)
That is going to be one cute top! I had the same experience as you when I started sewing with sheer fabric---it took forever to cut, and I just wasn't used to the feel of it. But it can lead to such fun results!
Love the look of the fabric for that top, it's going to look great :o)
It might be a little late for you, but I read a tip recently that said to use spray starch on sheer fabrics before cutting/sewing them to help manage them. I've never tried it myself.
I just discovered Amy Lou Who Sews via Sew Sweetness! I added a project to the Sew & Tell. I hope I'll have more to add in the future!
I think the purple will be perfect for the binding on your blouse. Thanks for hosting the linky.
Hi Amy. :o)
I don't have a finish this week to share, I have mainly been crocheting my scarves! :o) I truly hope to have something to share next week!!
Hugs. Trish
i had a post, but didn't get it published until tonight. http://ohjennymae.com/?p=1863 here it is, anyhoo!
my only finishes recently were the costumes. now i'm on to the holiday gifts.
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