Thursday, June 03, 2010

New York Beauty

My mom left last week.  The day after the movers took all our stuff I had to take her to the airport. :(  I hate that we live so far away and she can't come over and hold the baby all the time!  She was so much help.  Thanks, mom!!

She also gave into my begging to get her quilt finished!  I'm bummed I didn't have time to get it posted for Amy's Quilt festival, but at least you guys can see it.
My aunt quilted it and dropped it off to her at the airport when she was catching her flight to come visit us.
I just love these colors.  And the points on this thing are so precise!  She's good.  Someday I'll have to have her show me how she did it.  I know it was paper-pieced, but I've never done anything like that.
She finished the binding while she was at my house (and look at that awesome backing fabric!).
We were going to have a binding party and I was going to finish the baby's quilt.  But mostly I just sat around and nursed and did laundry.  Booorr-rriiinnng.

I almost thought about throwing this in one of my moving boxes, but as it is her pièce de résistance, I just couldn't do it.

Sew and Tell is on for tomorrow!  pinksuedeshoe will be guest posting for me, and if you are familiar at all with her blog - you know it's going to be fun!

14 crafty mcCrafters commented:

Nicole said...

I am so in love with that quilt. It looks VERY difficult. And your aunt is pretty handy with the long-arm quilter! Wow.

trish said...

Oh I you mom's quilt is gorgeous! I love the colors she chose and your aunts quilting is beautiful. What a fun time you all had ... even if it was just hanging out. :o)
I can't wait for tomorrow. I finally have something to post! :o) I read each weeks, but so fun when I can participate too. :o)
Have a wonderful day!
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Rene' said...

Amy, this New York Beauty quilt is gorgeous!!! Your Aunt did an amazing job! So sorry your Mom had to leave so soon. I know how difficult it is to have your Mom live so far away. My movers are here right now. Can't imagine how you did it with a newborn! I hope to join Sew and Tell tomorrow, but still not sure. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Sure have missed Sew and Tell Fridays! Take care.

Amy - Park City Girl said...

Her quilt is amazing! I'm so glad you are able to share it here!! I love the colors and prints that she used. One more week- right!? I would bind your quilt for you...

Michelle said...

Gorgeous! NYB is one of my favorite patterns. Your mom did a beautiful job, and your aunt's quilting is outstanding!

allyn said...

wow. she really is amazing. hopefully this will motivate her to finish and inspire more. glad she was able to come and help you out.
did you see my addition to last week's post? i think you will like it.

Leslie said...

this is such a beautiful quilt. i love it. sorry your mom had to go. moving is a bummer. i hope all is going well

Elizabeth said...

Sorry your mom had to go. I life over an hour's drive from my mom and even that is too far, I think. So, I can totally understand your not wanting her to go and wishing to be closer. Her quilt is really gorgeous! WOW! Thanks for sharing.

Valerie said...

That truly is a New York BEAUTY!

Barb said...

You are right, the points are so precise...what a wonderful quilt. Sometimes we have to do the boring stuff to be able to get to the good stuff.

Dayna said...

I love the colors, too! It's gorgeous. I'm sorry that your mom had to leave. That's always hard, especially when there's a new baby to love.

Sarah Craig said...

That is a beautiful quilt and I'm so glad you shared it with us! All that red just really makes it radiant!!

traceyjay said...

gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

So great. :)

And given the circumstances... I think it's OK to be boring.

Angie said...

Beautiful -- everything from the design, colors, and quilting!

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