I feel like I have so many things to blog about! I have some more things I want to share about The Sewing Summit and I've been on a project prepping spree! But I'm feeling a little all over the place trying to pull things together!
This is what I look like all over the place. WIPs, cutting several new projects at a time and scraps! |
My kids are all home sick today. It started with babylouwho on Friday, sisterlouwho following yesterday afternoon, with brotherlouwho getting hit with it last night. Late. And mrlouwho is working long hours training for an upcoming deployment. Good times.
I decided today would be a sweatpants and slippers sort of day. And instead of wallowing in self pity (well maybe I will a bit), I'm getting to work. I lysoled every hard surface in my house down yesterday, so I don't feel too bad about neglecting my floors. And laundry. And dirty dishes.
Sometimes the dirty dishes are worth it though - Apple Cake @ The Smitten Kitchen |
I'm going to close
the giveaway for Sara's bag tonight and announce the winner tomorrow! Sara will be guest posting for
Sew &Tell on Friday - I hear she's finishing up a quilt top! I love reading your comments about your WIPs. It's so fun to know there are so many out there working away too.
I'm glad to know that you liked the interview too! I'm planning on doing more of these types of things. I have a super fun sew & tell extravaganza planned for November 11 - I'll post the challenge this week! Keep on the lookout.
Scraps I used to throw away. Now I hoard them for mini quilts. |
So what else? I have a lot of blogging issues on my mind. Like, I feel sort of lame for being pretty absent most of this year. I really loved the sew & tell community that we had built and with everything I had going on last year it got to be too much for me to be able to connect with everyone the way I wanted to. And now I'm afraid I was being too nit-picky about things, and I got super inconsistent. Then there's the whole URL change thing - that was a real downer. And then there are all of the amazing women and amazing blogs I discovered through sewing summit and sometimes I wonder - what am I doing trying to blog? I'm a total amateur!! I don't really do tutorials, I seem to make the same things over and over, I'm not really interested in making money off my blog, so what am I doing here? Showing off? I certainly hope it doesn't come across that way. When I really think about it, it's the people that I've met and the community that we have that keeps me coming back. I also love that there is a cycle of creating, sharing and inspiring that goes on in our online sewing/crafting community.
So I really do hope you like coming here. I appreciate your time when I know how busy we all are. Thanks for sharing your goodness and talents with me every week. I'm recommitting to be a better blogger/friend. I hope you'll come back again soon.
I'd love to hear why you blog and the things you love about it. Do tell!
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5 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I guess my blog is all about keeping track of my finishes and inspiring anybody who stops by. That's one of the main reasons I like coming to your blog: to be inspired and to try new things I see or hear about. Keep it up! Thanks.
OMG - must...make...that...cake...right...now!!!!!!
My blog is many things to me: journal, connector, advertiser, teacher - all these things are important to me, and I love what I get from blogging - but indeed, connecting with other like minded folks is one very important reason!
I took the summer off from blogging. This will be my 5th year and i guess i needed a break. It wasnt intentional but i enjoyed it. Blogging started to make me feel bad or sad, or something. My own doing. I am slowly getting back into it but this time i am keeping my reaaons to blog clear to myself.
I blog to remember. For me and my girls. What i did, we did, Things i make and things that make me happy
I was so bummed out to learn that you lost your web name, but I'm glad you were able to find a suitable alternative. Honestly, I just like seeing what other people are making. It inspires me, and I like to ooh and ahh. Tips and tutorials are nice but definitely not necessary. I think you should blog for you. Keep on keepin' on!
I know what you mean about the "amateur" blogging thing. That's me, too. I don't do anything terribly original, I don't post clever tutorials or host quilt-alongs and giveaways and stuff.
For both of my blogs, really, I write in this public forum for community and connection. It started with parenting stuff - part as a record of my experience (since there will NOT be a baby book), and part as a way for other people to find me and realize we aren't alone in any of this.
The quilting blog was a spin-off (since my already-established parenting readers didn't necessarily want to geek out about fabric), and was just another point to connect with fellow sewing geeks, as well as have a record of what I've made and the processes I went through.
Yeah, I run some ads and make a couple of bucks to cover hosting fees, but I'll never be a "big" blogger, and I am SO fine with that. It's just my little space.
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