Just to let you know, this was the week that mrlouwho left. It was hard leading up to saying goodbye and the actual departure - but now we can move on and get it over with. I'm thankful for my kids who give me an opportunity to focus on something other than my own sadness. We are all doing pretty well and I'm optimistic that I will be super productive the next unreal engine. If you are interested in reading an article in our local paper about his unit and a little about what they are doing you can read it here.
Moving on....
The day before he left I was all about staying busy in the sewing room. I needed to make him a little zip pouch to keep the camera, charger, and cord together (so they wouldn't get misplaced, i.e. lost). Luckily I even had something sort of manly!

And I lined it with some Marine Corps fabric that a friend gave me.

It turned out so big that he was able to fit in the rest of his cords, headphones and iPod.

The other thing I was able to finish was another dresden plate mini. I made one a year ago for the Spicing Up the Kitchen Swap I was in. I loved making it so much I had to make another! I may or may not have plates cut up to make more.

I did a little free motion flower in the center.

And I tried my hand at machine binding again. I'm not very good at it. And not sure I want to use it on mini's where the binding is easier to see. But it's finished, and right now, that's what I needed.

It measures about 18"x21" and the pattern is from the book Material Obsession.
I also made a hooded towel, stitched down some appliques onto onsies, mended some socks, quilted more placemats and started another binding. The sock project is not exciting but I'll share the others when I'm finished.
Thanks for everyone's support and kind comments through the last few months it is cherished and appreciated and truthfully has helped so much. xoxox
What have you been up to this week?
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1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell. If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post. (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button (HTML on my sidebar).
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20 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I love the pouch you made for your hubby. It really looks like a guy thing :-) I hope your time will pass quickly and soon you will all be reunited again. Hugs.......
What a nice photo! Thanks for sharing that. And yeah, the kids-clinging one would've brought tears.
You seem like a very strong person, and I'm sure you'll do well while he's gone. But it'll be hard, and you'll have your "days". Speak out when you need extra prayers or encouragement!
I love the pouch! Definitely manly! And your little dresden plate mini is so pretty!
I hope the next eight months goes by fast for you. Will we get to see you at the beach in July? Hope so... :)
great finishes. I hope the next 8 months finish quickly :)
Great finishes and I love the sweet photo of your family. Thanks for the linky again this week. Thinking of you, always
Thankyou from our family to Mr.Louwho and your family...hope the time flies by!! Love the manly pouch for all the 'stuff' and your dresden is picture perfect :-)
I bet your hubby loved his pouch! sorry he has to go :( hugs to you and your kiddo's!
lovely projects!
Aww, sweetie... that's just so hard. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, to your sweet hubby and to you and your kids, for making such a sacrifice for all of us. {hugs} I'm glad you have your babies and your sewing to lift you up and keep you busy. Hopefully you'll find so much to do that the time will fly by before you know it!
Be strong in the Lord. Ask for help when you need it! You have a sweet looking family. :-)
Glad to see Mrlouwho went off in style there, and love your mini
Cute family! Its nice that he will have something like that to take with him.
Please tell mrlouwho I appreciate his service to his country and on behalf of my freedom! I've been in your shoes and it's not easy. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep the faith!
Your mini dresden looks lovely - so bright and cheerful.
I hope that you have an easy eight months until your husband returns safely. I am full of admiration for you and for the sacrifice you make. It must be hard going with three kids on your own.
What a beautiful family! Prayers for you and your family over the next months. Have fun with your creativity!
Love the manly pouch you made & sent with hubby! Bless you as you are separated....
((((HUGS)))))) You did a great job on that pouch! and the DRESDEN>>>>>>GAH>>>>>>> LOVE !!!!!! I need one now ,LOL!
I have been thinking about you all week. And everytime I do I tear up, your pic of your sweet family started it all over again. Love you, so much. And I can't wait to see all the productiveness that comes out of that sewing machine of yours! Love the dresden too, so happy!
Sending you and your kiddos big hugs. I wish I could come hang out in your sewing room or whisk you away on fabric shopping excursions to make the time go faster. Know that I love you and I'm praying for your little family.
Amy, you look SO great. Guess MaryKay and good genes really are a great combo. ;) Miss your guts. Hugs to you and your sweet family! Love you all.
-Jenny Stath-Math
Here I am, letting you know that I shall be supporting you in spirit here in Salt Lake City. I'm a former soldier and a former military wife and I empathize with both sides of deployment.
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