Emily is as fun and sweet as they get! I was really happy to participate when she asked me to to review her book and be a part of the tour! I received a copy via PDF and am really happy how easy it is to read on my iPad. I've not ventured out much into the world of eBooks, but so far I like it!!
I love how inspiring the patterns are in the book. As we all know, it is a challenge to sew for the boys and men in our life. Emily has successfully married color and design to create eight guy-friendly quilts that I would enjoy too!
There were two quilts in Emily's book that I was immediately drawn to.
I love the grays with a pop of orange in Odd Ball.

If you would like to win a copy of Emily's book Geared for Guys just leave me one comment (with email) answering the following question:
To continue hopping along for more chances to win visit the lovely Pat Sloan for her review tomorrow. Of course you can visit Emily's blog each day to see where the giveaway is for that day!
I'm so excited I might actually bust one of these out for my guy this summer!
95 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I like the Chevron quilt. I did two cross stitch pictures of old train engines for my husband. They're hanging on the wall in his computer room. I would like to make him a lap size quilt to the winter months when it's chilly.
I once made my husband a dress shirt. What I haven't made him, but want to, is a quilt. I'm not sure just what yet, other than it will have to have red it it (his favorite color).
have 4 brothers that are in need of LOVE Quilts, but have made crosstitch HOBIE for my LP
I would love to make a quilt for my brother & the patterns from this book look fantastic & I know he'd love any one of them. It's great to see a book focusing on masculine quilts. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
frannyharrington (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm needing to make a quilt for my son and I'm sure there is plenty of inspiration in this book!
The first thing that came to mind is the Davey Crockett outfit that I made for my son, as a surprise for Christmas one year. The picture that my husband got of him tearing out of the room to go try it on is priceless. :)
In February I started making Union Jack blocks for a quilt for DH but set the project aside and haven't got back to it (too much like hard work) so I would love to win to get a better pattern to make for him!
Love the Switch Back quilt. I'm working on a UNC themed quilt for my husband. The top and back are finished, just need to layer & quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.
Over the years I've made a bunch of Halloween costumes for my son. I had a lot of fun making them and he had a lot of fun wearing them.
Eu só sei costurar reto,então só faço pequenos consertos,para meu marido.Mas colchas eu faço bem e já fiz uma com blocos de ferramentas,alicate,chave-de fenda etc...forrada com um tecido marinho de bolinha branca,é o máximo.Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
When I first started sewing, I made a pair of pajamas for my son-I completely messed up the collar on the top but he still loved them and wore them whenever they were clean
I started quilting a few months ago and now I am absolutely addicted to it! I love the inspirations of the GUYS quilts and my next quilt will be an Arabic geometric inspired pattern with solid colours for my husband as we’re living actually in the UAE. Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic eBook.
I would love to make a quilt for my brother for Christmas. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)
I'd love to make my (grown) son a quilt for his bed. This book would help me to do that.
trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com
I made a Queen size quilt with masculine greens, blues, and yellows from a pattern out of Love of Quilting. 235 hours later my dad has his Christmas present. Very hard to find appropriate styles that would go well for men.
amanda (dot) echler (at) hotmail (dot) com
I guess the best thing I have made for males is knitted or chrocheted blankets. Nice, but a quilt seems more substantial! I have loved getting a peek inside this great book - thanks for the chance to win!
I suppose baby quilts for my sons. Thanks for chance to win this great book! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)
My son actually wanted me to make him curtains for his apartment in NY. Since I have never seen the place it was a shot in the dark. But he loved them and now he want a quilt...to bad I used all that fabric up on the curtains. Would love to win the book and make one for my son. Thanks for the giveaway
Oh , this looks like it is going to be great!!
I'd love to make my guy one of the awesome quilts in this book!!
chocolatechippers at gmail dot com
My first patchwork quilt was for my son, so it was definitely special. I am hoping now to make a quilt for my husband. :-)
First off, I am so glad to finally see a book with designs for guys! I've made quilts for my two sons, but I would love to make one for my hubby. He might not ever use it, but I've had it in my mind (and heart) to make one for him. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
I made a fun superhero quilt for my son, but I really need to make a quilt for my husband!!
I'm loving the look of these patterns on the hop, and not just for guys!
I made my dad a redwork wall hanging of his favourite things for Christmas last year, and despite some scepticism from my male colleagues, he loved it.
Thanks for the chance to win :o)
Actually it has been a quilt that I made for a dear friend following the circle quilt pattern. I used 70 circles for his 70. b'day - perfect! Thanks for a chance!
This book looks great! A favorite thing I've made for my husband was a black-work embroidery quilt of 9 military planes. He loves it and it hangs in his offic.
I just started quilting and I really want to make my boyfriend one of these quilts so we can snuggle up together in it. Thanks for the chance to win! (and make us snuggly warm!)
Years ago I made a quilt for my hiking boyfriend, Bill. I covered the quilt in hand appliqued trees. It took a serious amount of time and cash. We broke up right before I gave him the quilt. My Mom made me promise not to give it to him. I wanted to but I kept my promise. Years later after all the heartbreak is over and I'm married to another hiking man, he asks me often to kiss him over the "bill" quilt. Eventually that quilt made it to the right man.
My current best thing is Joshua's baby quilt. He's majorly smitten with it, as am I :)
I made a quilt for my son when he was eight. It was bright and colorful and he used it so much he wore it out. Linda
I have collected fireman fabrics for my firefighter husband, but just haven't found a suitable pattern for him yet :(
Looks like some really great quilts in this book!
I did a gaming themed cross stitch for my hubby and I"m currently working on a star wars quilt for him :)
enigmatic_15 at yahoo dot com
The best thing I have made (or so I've been told) was a 6"x6" scrapbook with things my kids love about their dad and pictures of him with them.
This looks like such a great book!
I made a Union Jack quilt for a serving soldier in the British Forces. I took a ton of off-white, red and blue fabrics which I cut to pieces and sewed up again into fabric panels and cut the strips and triangles from those. Turned out beautifully. I'm told he takes it with him everywhere he's deployed.
I made my then boyfriend a pair of Wile E. Coyote boxer shorts. They eventually became his lucky shorts and he wore them at both our wedding and our first daughter's birth. Twenty years later, he doesn't wear then, but they still live in the back of his drawer. Ha, I haven't thought about them in years... Good memories!
My husband loves Mountain Dew, so I want to make a Mtn Dew quilt for him. I have the fabric picked out but can't settle on a design. Maybe the right one is in this book! cbrh.blogs (at) gmail
Ooh I really love Switch Back! Great looking quilt.
The best thing ever that I made for my husband wasn't something that involved sewing at all. I wrote a poem for him and placed that onto some great looking paper and then framed it for him. He loved it and has it still to the day hanging on the wall right next to his desk in our living room. I am not one to write poems at all so I am actually quite proud that I did that in the first place.
I promised to make a quilt for my OH's grandson but it hasn't happened yet - maybe this wonderful looking book would be just the kick start I need!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the sneak peek of Switch Back and the chance to win!
I haven't been a crafter for very long, so I don't have a whole lot of FOs, so I'll go with another genre: the thing that I make that my brother loves the most is my guacamole. :)
I knitted a pair of socks - that turned out just a little big. But he wears them.
I'd love to make 'Odd Ball' for my husband! He loves it!
I made my husband a quilt. It was made out of Snuggy fabric in the animal prints. He loves it. It sits on the back of his chair and on cooler nights he still uses it.
I am planning on making hubby a quilt for Christmas. I think he'd really like that orange odd ball one! And I wouldn't mind it on my couch either :) Great giveaway!
I am planning on making my husband a quilt for his bday in sept. Since I'm brand new at the quilting game I'm not sure which design to use but I think this book has a lot of potential for me being able to make all kinds of good stuff for all the "guys" (boys and hubby) in my life! Thanks short the chance to win! craftnursequilt(at)gmail(dot)com
Love this book, and I am sure my brothers will have an idea on which quilt they would want next!
There are a few men in our family and I have made monogram pillows and lap quilts. There is always that creative struggle to find a project perfect for guys - the few snaps that I have seen from this book look awesome!! Thanks for the chance!
micheletimms (at) gmail (dot) com
When my boys were still into Halloween, I make the most awesome Bugs Bunny costume, but I have made recycled blue jean quilts for the now much older boys.
This book has just the kind of guy quilts I want to make, modern, simple, uniqueand masculine. Thanks.
I haven't made anything yet! Id love to do a cool wallhanging for our room
I made my now fiance, then boyfriend a handknitted fancy scarf. He used it when he lived in the mountains. Now he lives in GA. Heh.
I work with metal as a hobby and part-time gig so I made my husband this awesome sterling belt buckle that has a 1-up mushroom fom Mario Bros. I make silver or metal things for people all the time, but this is the only thing I have made for my hubby.
Made my husband a mug rug for his tea mug which he uses daily. I the works is a quilt made using his father's ties, some of his ties & a couple of our son's ties. That quilt has been in the thinking/planning stage since for 20 years! Now that I have settled on a design I like, I have high hopes of getting the top made this year :)
I want to make a fussy cut lap quilt with AH mustauche fabric :o) The in house engineer needs one :o)
Awesome book!!!!
I made a Civil War repro quilt for my brother in law.
I really, really want to make a quilt for my hubby. He is such a wonderful, giving man and he deserves a nice quilt to relax under at the end of the day. I'm crossing my fingers that I win a copy of this awesome book!
I made my husband a quilt with a fish pattern. He loves to fish and has even gone to Canada (from Iowa) to fish.
I made a counted cross stitch picture of tractors for my hubby. He still loves it to this day! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Well, I won him over with a German chocolate cake, but this year for his birthday I made him a postage stamp quilt and a holder for his wrenches. He loves it.
That Switchback quilt would be perfect in shades of blue for him - it's his favorite color and I really need to make him a quilt that's big enough for him - he's 6'2"!
I always made Halloween costumes for my kids and probably the best were the Star Trek the Next Generation uniforms. One for my daughter in ship's counselor turquoise and one for my son in officer gold. They wore them until they were too small to wear!
I'd love to make my husband some nice shirts, properly tailored to him. And yes, also a quilt that wasn't pink for our bed....
I've made a sailboat quilt and a blue/white triangle quilt specially for men. Hope to win this book, as I have some quilts left to make for men in my family. Thank you! tubakk@online.no
My husband has homemade kindle and ipod cases. Maybe he needs a quilt from this book? My brother definitely does.
Many years ago, when we were newlyweds, I made my husband a western shirt that he loved. It had a fancy yoke and cuffs with piping. He wore it until it fell apart.
This book looks like so much fun! I have 5 sons, so I am sure I could make good use of the book.
I'm crossing my fingers (and toes!) that I win!
I have my husband many different things over the years- knit scarves,toque,but the nicest things have been a couple of quilts and a parka coat with an applique on the back.
Thanks for the chance to win such a nice book.
I knitted my husband a beautiful cable sweater but I wore it more than he did. I think a manly quilt would be nice for him to use at night while watching his favorite TV shows.
I would like to make my DH to stop messing up every shirt he puts on. On occasion he does change his shirts. No matter what, he manage to look like he had been working underneath the truck when he walks into the house. How does he manage? I would also love to get started on his quilt. Too many UFO's. Judith, Texas
I would have to say the coolest thing I made was I took a picture of his 68 Mustang and had it printed on muslin and then I sewed borders and add some corner blocks that I stenciled the Mustang pony on two and a GT on the other two, quilted it and then framed in 16 x 20 frame to hang on the wall. It turned out awesome, made one for my brother for his 70 Camaro too.
I would love to make my husband a cool, manly quilt. I really like Switchback, but the Gamer one is HILARIOUS, so I'd be hard-pressed to choose!
I made my husband a raggy flannel lap quilt which he uses all the time. Book looks great.
I would like to make a quilt for my brother. He is a true cowboy and so must be colors he will like -- and since this book gives suggestions on colors too, think it would be most helpful to win! Thanks for that chance.
Coffee- LOL I made each of my nephews characters from Wizard of oz one got the tin man and one got the scare crow (and my niece got dorothy) they had a beanie lion. I also made them pajama pillows- one got a penguin and the other a turtle-
I'm currently making my hubby a quilt from his old army uniforms. It's really difficult for me, but I think it will be the most loved thing I could ever make for him. I'm stuck now on how to quilt it. I have to figure it out soon, he asks me about it practically on a weekly basis!
I once made my husband and son matching suits. I won't say it was the best thing i have ever made but it sure gives everyone a laugh 36 years later!
I am planning on making a quilt for my husband for our 20th wedding anniversary !
I honestly don't sew much for guys. I guess the best thing I made was a baby boy quilt from Moda Pure. I'm also loving my son's new quilt (that hasn't been quilted).
I'd love to win!!
I Luuuuv the gray quilt with orange and would make it in a minute for a 25 year old son who loves the color orange! He also loves green and I did make him a green quilt for a college graduation present!
Oh hard to say what the best thing I ever made for my husband was, but it may have been the microwave baked potato bag.I made one to try it and he loves the way potatoes turn out when baked in it so much he has increased his potato consumption and asked me to make 20 more bags to give to other people! Never imagined anything like this would happen from such a simple project Haha!
I love the Odd Ball quilt!! Best thing I have made for a guy would have to be the quilt I have 'nearly' finished for my son--it just needs binding, my least favourite part!
I love that chevron quilt. I have made my husband and my sons several things. The simplest were the most appreciated. They each have man size fleece blankets with their names embroidered on them.
Right now I have a mystery quilt top I did at retreat. It is in Kansas Troubles fabrics and I liked every fabric but not the balance when I was done. My husband loves it and I am quilting it for him.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I made a shark blankie for my little son. it was supposed to be a pillowcase, but he BEGGED for the blanket. and now he loves it. And I learned that sewing with minkie requires a few tricks.
I have a bunch of very retro vintage shirt patterns and I'd love to make one for my man - but he's not at all keen. I might have to make him a quilt instead!
Wow! Can't remember when I last made something for the man in my life but I did make something for my sons for christmas. I did log cabin quilts for them. Pretty nice!!
I would love to make the argyle quilt in this book for my 80s loving husband!
I made my boyfriend a stuffed Chewbacca! I was like, "heck yes I am sewing a stuffed animal for my 32-year-old boyfriend." He loved it. :) I would love to tackle some of those guy quilts -- it's practically my own personal aesthetic!
I would like to make a pair of gloves that can also function as a microwaveable heating pad for his arthritic hands.
I make pj shorts for my husband-
polar bear print for his birthday!
I made a quilt for my husband with hot rod cars for the top and '40s pinup girls on the back. Right now, I'm re-creating a quilt my mom made for my son. He carried it around and it's been washed so much that it just fell apart. He keeps telling me to sew faster!
Sorry I had to delete my last comment because I forgot to add my email.
I haven't really done any crafting for guys, but I have made lots of food for them. Does that count?
email: iamlilymunster at gmail dot com
I would love to make a reading pillow or a quilt for my hubby :)
I recently made my son a quilty for his (man cave) play tent. It's a great way to entertain a 4 yr boy on a rainy day!
I made may husband a crocheted afhgan and would like to make my son one of the quilts from her new book.
I really want to make my husband a manly "geek" quilt. I love the Gamer quilt in this book and think I might be able to tackle it. The curved piecing scares me!
I have 4 brothers who are quiltless so this book is just what I need to get me MOVING!
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